Monday, November 4, 2013

Alrighty!  Finally have a minute to update our blog.  This is conference week...if you didn't have a conference scheduled in October, I've sent home a note for parents to fill out.  Please send it back as soon as possible, and I'll get back to you with a time!
We also will be taking  a Terra Nova test next week.  This test is to screen for gifted and talented scores.  No pressure!!  I'll get them ready to do their best work.
Our pumpkin projects turned out absolutely AWESOME!!  As soon as we get our character writing done, we will be sharing our projects with the class.  They are proudly displayed in our hall, and have gotten so many compliments on them!  Check out our pictures on our Facebook page, Room 17.
Our science/reading focus will be on animal life cycles for the next week or so.  We will be using our reading strategies to learn more and dig deeper!  We will be making a power point slide show, with the help and guidance from Mrs. Lisath.  We are choosing an interesting animal that we want to learn more about...stay tuned!!
Math finds us continuing to explore multiplication and will be moving into division soon!  PLEASE continue to practice those makes things so much easier when the kiddos are fluent with them!
Thanks for being a partner in your child's education!

Monday, October 14, 2013

We love Tasty Wednesday!!  About once a month we get to develop our culinary skills (and especially our writing/sequencing skills!).  This week, we continue with the fall theme.  Thanks again to the wonderful parents who donate yummy supplies!!
If you see some reading selections coming home with the numbers 1-2-3 on them, ask your kiddos about them!  Our focus is on close reading...digging deeper and fully understanding what we read.  This is a great strategy, especially with non-fiction readings.  We find that when we read an article once, we just break the surface of understanding.  When we read it twice, we get a little deeper, and even discover new information we might have missed.  And when we read it THREE times, we should feel confident enough to explain it or even teach someone else the information!!  I got goosebumps today when one one of my students said "This is the best extended response I have ever written!  That digging really helped!"  Woohoo!
We won't be doing a spelling list this week...we are still working on those vowel and consonant suffixes.  We should be back on track after we get back from our "mini" school this Thursday or Friday.  Sounds like a good time to work on those pumpkin projects!  They are due at the end of the month.
We have also started multiplication Boot Camp.  Check your kiddo's folders with some info about memorizing those facts.  We will be working on other math ideas as well, but we need to practice fluency with facts every night.  Use the flash cards that are in their folders.  They should be bringing these home every evening.  We practice here, but nightly review is extremely important.
Thanks for being a partner in your child's education.

P.S.   We LOVE guided reading!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

We had our first Tasty Wednesday this week!  Once a month or so, we gather ingredients to create a tasty but educational treat.  We are practicing following directions, writing directions, sequencing, and writing a review.  I plan on assembling a book for each kiddo at year's end.  Thanks to parents who offered to send in ingredients...I'll let you know when/what we need!!
Picture day is this Thursday...don't forget to send in the form and payment if you chose to order photos this year.
This week is also conference week.  We are participating in student led conferences-we really enjoyed them last year.  The kiddos have ownership of their learning and grades, and they did a fine job of explaining things to their parents.  I plan on letting half of the students participate this week, with the other half getting their turn in November.  If you feel you need to meet before all means let me know!  Text, call, email...whatever works for you!
Our fall OAA test is coming up on October 8th.  If you are not getting Mr. Thornsberry's phone messages, please let me or Erin know...lots of good info.  We are really focusing on being in school that week...on time and ready to shine!  Room 17 also had 3 days in a row of perfect attendance AND perfect homework completion last week...going for a new record this week.
Don't forget to check out Room 17 on facebook...I post lots of pictures there.  I'm trying to find out how to connect this blog to that page...if anyone has mad computer skills and knows how to do this...let me know!!
Our big rocks this week and probably next:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Just a short post this weekend-gotta watch my Steelers.  Don't judge.  Win or lose, when you're from Pittsburgh, it's in your blood!
Ten school days until we take our OAA test!  We've been talking about not getting nervous(we think a tiny bit of nerves is ok!) and trying our very best. It's a great chance to show what they know and also lets me know where to put some focus. Please remind your kiddos to get lots of sleep and to stay focused.  You can go to ODE to see what the tests look like and try a few if you'd like.
We've started to write our fictional narratives...ask your kiddos about the fabulous stories we have been reading to show examples of character, imagery, setting, mood, and dialog.  This is our first big writing project, and it is taking us a bit of time!
As always, thanks for being a partner in your child's education!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Things are starting to settle in for Room 17.  We are getting our procedures down, expectations are understood, missions are set!  This week we will be setting our SMART goals for this 9 weeks.  We set one for reading, one or math, and one personal goal.  We keep them in our leadership notebooks.  This year, we will do student-led conferences.  I'll be sending home info on this when it gets closer to conference time.
In reading, we will focus on character, setting, and plot with several stories and books.  We continue to read Gooney Bird Green and work on our narratives.  We will finish up our unit on place value in math, and start to explore maps skills in social studies.  We have a new science series this year...hopefully we will start our unit on life cycles/animals this week as well.
I plan on sending home math homework this week.  For awhile, on Mondays I will send home a worksheet that reviews basic skills that third graders should know this year.  We start off with only completing part of it(the ones that are circled).  They have all week to complete it!  We check it on Fridays together.   Kiddos should still keep on reading and completing the reading log every night also.
 Students are working together as a team toward a classroom teamwork reward.  Every time we work as a team( all students are here, all students have homework, someone gives us a compliment, we rock an activity, we use the 7 habits like a champ!) I pull a number and color in our teamwork chart.  When we get 10 in a row, we have decided that our reward will be pizza and free computer time!  Can't wait!
Thanks for being a partner in your child's education!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We survived our first two days!  What a great group of kiddos.  We have lots planned for this week...including taking lots of drink breaks.  Please send a water bottle with them this week.  It helps to put a sock on the bottom of the bottle-keeps our desks a little drier.
This week we will be learning our routines. Practice, practice, practice!  Room 17 also will be creating a mission statement for the year.  They will know it off by heart in no time!  The kiddos have filled out their job applications and should be ready to become an important part of keeping our community running smoothly.
We will start our first chapter book, Ramona Quimby, Age 8.
We also will be reading a fabulous story called Gooney Bird Greene and starting some writing projects.
We will also be reviewing a bit in math and jumping right into place value!
As always, if you have any questions, please contact me!  Thanks for being a partner in your child's education!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

We do spelling  a little differently this year!  Basically here's how it works:  On Wednesdays we get a spelling contract.  Each child can chose up to (and beyond) 4 activities to practice our weekly words.  They are differentiated, so there is something for all abilities.  Four activities, completed neatly and correctly, will earn an A, three activities a B, and so on.  We have practiced choosing wisely, and each child has a quick conference with me to make sure their choices are doable!  Each morning, we have about 15 minutes or so to work on the contract. I reminded them each day to work on it, but soon they won't need the reminder!  Most kiddos like to start on it as soon as they get here in the morning.  We keep the contract in our green homework folders...1. so we know where it is and hopefully won't lose it and 2. if we chose to work on it at home, we can!  I find that this approach gives the kids numerous benefits... accountability, time management skills, empowerment in choice, not having lots of Friday tests, and not all pencil/paper/worksheets!
The contract is due on Tuesday of the following week, so the kids have an entire week to work on it.  We test on Tuesdays...hopefully that is written in our student agenda books each week.  Whew!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Well, I had a BLAST at our Open House!  I really love meeting the kiddos before the first "official" day...gets some of those jitters out. (Mostly mine!)  Thank you, parents and grandparents, for taking a positive step towards what I know will be a great relationship this year.  I'll see everyone tomorrow...third grade ROCKS!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Just a couple of quick notes...

  • This week is Right to Read week and the kiddos can dress as their favorite book character  on Thursday.
  • Friday is field day.  Third grade will be participating in the afternoon.
  • Wednesday is Worthington's Leadership Day!  We get to showcase all of our hard work and shine with the Seven Habits!!  So proud of my will be posted on the school website.
  • Our fieldtrip was a huge success!  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Well, we are in the home stretch!  Testing is done, but we continue to learn new things and gain new experiences.
Don't forget...our Magic Tree House cereal box projects are due on Friday.  I can't wait to see how creative your kiddos are!
Magic Tree House
  We also have out field trip this Friday.  Be sure to return the permission slip and send a disposable lunch.
Lots of exciting things to come this year...stay tuned!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

We're gonna rock this test, it's the OAA!  Tuesday is the reading OAA and Thursday is the math OAA.  We are SOOOO ready!  We have practiced and reviewed, continued with new learning, and had a fabulous pep rally!  If you didn't get a chance to watch the video we made...check it out!
Worthington Elementary Hall of Fame
We should have some photos and video on the library website this week.
If you haven't returned the "envelope" for your child yet, you can do so tomorrow...just a letter of encouragement to get them relaxed and excited for Tuesday!  PTO is providing lots of treats this week.. Make sure everyone is getting lots of sleep, eating a hearty breakfast, getting to school on time, and ready to use our strategies.  Here we go!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Well, it is the last week until we show what we know!  These kiddos have been working SO hard.  I couldn't be more proud of them.  Between new knowledge and review, they have been real troopers.  Their work ethic remains strong...this week will fly by!
I will be sending home an envelope with your child.  Please write a letter of encouragement to your child and seal it in the envelope.  I'll have it on their desk the morning of our first test, Tuesday, April 23rd.  PTO has some encouraging goodies planned as well, and of course the teachers have an OAA assembly planned just for the kids.
I'll have some tips next weekend to get them relaxed and ready for test week. Strategies work for reading and math! It's so important to keep them on their schedule, getting lots of sleep, keeping hydrated and eating well, and most importantly-keep reading!  They cannot have enough exposure to new vocabulary.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Quarterlies done-check.
Nine weeks completed-check.
Test in..........20 days!  Woohoo!
Our OAA will be April23rd and 25th.  I'll send home more information as we get closer.  Right now we will continue with new learning and test prep.  Conferences are coming up next week, and if I don't send a slip home and you'd like a conference please text or give me a call!
Here are some really good websites for test prep-some are online practice and some are printable activities.  Let me know if you have any questions-a little bit each night will be a fun way for them to review.  Check your child's agenda book for passwords.
ODE test portal -actual OAA test practice!
Scootpad -password needed
Learnzillion -password needed
EasyCBM -password needed
Have a wonderful Spring Break!  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thank 17 has THE best parents in the world!!  We had a fabulous Valentine's Day celebration.  Exhausting...but fabulous!

I'm counting the days until March 2nd... 

What's March 2nd?  The Iditarod!!!   We will be investigating, recording, following, charting, reading, writing, computing, measuring, exploring, tasting(!) everything Iditarod. 
Check it out...Iditarod: The Last Great race  We will be reading Balto,  Stone Fox(get your tissues ready), Akiak, and learning about the people who run this great race, as well as those magnificent dogs.  Keep having those great conversations with your little ones.  We should have a lot to say!

We have three students that were selected to talk about the Seven Habits at the Chamber of Commerce meeting on Feb. 28th.  Rachel, Abbey, and Trenton will represent us and share how we use the Leader in Me everyday in every way!

Keep practicing those multiplication facts.  So important to review them every night for 5-10 minutes.  We are starting fractions and measurement,  both great conversation starters at dinner.
As always, thanks for being a partner in your child's education.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!  "Tis the season for colds and flu, and I know absences can be frustrating for all involved.  Don't send your kiddo if he or she has a fever, and don't forget those written excuses.  We also take the time to organize your child's missing work, so please look for that paper that lists missing assignments.  I try to make up as much as possible at school.  We also are diligent about hand washing and using hand sanitizer.  It will be spring before we know it....right?

Our school is in the running for a grant from NBC4.  Everyone can vote once a day for the Pink Shoe Club at this link:

$10,000 would go a long way for this cause!!

Also, if you haven't had the chance to come to one of our leadership/CHAMPS assemblies, give it a try!!  Mr. Thornsberry does a great job making these kids feel as special as they are!
This Friday is Hat Day at Worthington...if you donate $1, your child can wear a hat all day on Friday, Feb. 8th. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

We are excited to be back in the swing of things!  Hopefully, everyone had a great break with family and friends.  I feel refreshed and ready for the next half of the year.
Our homework will be changing starting this week.  In order to start preparing for the OAA in April, we will start reviewing skills that we have learned.  On Mondays, we still have Number of the week, which is still due on Friday.  We also will have an OAA-formated story from past tests to complete.  Parents are encouraged to work on these skills with your kiddos. Tuesdays, we will practice language skills with worksheets about a robot called Mosh...this has been a favorite of my classes!  They will also practice attacking word problems using different strategies.  On Wednesdays,  we will tackle OAA frequently tested skills, and practice a math skill from out practice book.  On Thursdays, they will continue to practice those multiplication facts, and they can have a free reading evening!  Over the weekend, I send home a short Read-Aloud worksheet that has comprehension tips for you to discuss.  This looks like a lot of work, but hopefully it is reviewing skills we have mastered.  This should only take 30-40 minutes each evening.  If it gets to be frustrating, please let me know and we can discuss the best way for your child to review.
Next week is quarterly testing week.  Our class will be busy reviewing what we learned right before break, and will be taking the test online again. 
Thank you for getting you children to school on time every day!  Hopefully the flu and runny noses are behind us(she said wistfully)and we can regain the Attendance Trophy that has eluded Room 17 lately!
As always, thank you for being a partner in your child's education.  Involved parents make such a difference!  Thank you, thank you.